Bleam 1.0.2

By comparison, my paper was overkill. Twotasks 1.0.

Carey Times (Newspaper) - August 12, 1943, Carey, OhioPa*e FóurXevnwir Adrértíitav J^oeáSÍ’ft 0o*t—FT PATSTHE i CARET TIMES, CARET, OHIOPo«^vt^'Cog^ilbJ' pAyb, ’jnnirsday» August19, 104B,W*tt$$$$íííí5tt•h T. R. C. ClubSocial Events 1Supper Guests •Mr. and Mrs- Clacton Wlseley ot Arcadia. My; and Mrs.-Ered GassmamThe T. R. C. club -will .meet Fr^* day afternoon at. the 'home q^.Mjk. W. A. Vaughn, effst of Carey. 'Sunday Dinner Gupsts . .Mr. and Mrs. Hány Bo traían and daughter Miss Betty had as ' dinnerevening, of Mr. and,Mrs. 'C.fcJ, Adel-sperger and daughters Ruth, Faye, Ferne and Carol•and daughter Judith of Fasto ri a amd guests, Sunday: Mr. tod Mr&.^Deaji' Mr. and Mrs. MiltonAdelsperger of. —u— j'Alvada -were supper' 'gueste, 'SundayCunningham ^and daughters ;, Mairion, and Donna and, Majg. Marghfet Sampson, of 'Blanuhhidy ' . /* I ~■ Mm and Mps. '^lza Peppl^ and daughter Leah of'' near /Findlay called in the afternoon. .Picnic Supper • ' . _ '—-— c 'A picnic supper was enjoyed, on! Saturday Dinner Guests Sunday Evening, at Meadowbrookj Mr.-and Mrs. Willis Thitúam and pari. Bascorn, in honor oí' Mr.' and-. -family entertained- with ., a dinner» M^s. Gedrge Gardner, Jr.,^and ehil-. Saturday.' in honor of Mrs. Fhtnam^s, . drep Betty. Don and George in. 'otf brother Pjtc.'®ioyd Bleain, fySxo was' WDmingtqii, Deb. *who spent #8t fccffne.'Ñ, C.,.'on*, -week her*, '/>,*; Iftolougfa.', » V ' c• . The otlrér plcn*e%é Were: . ,1VIV ^and Mrs. .Heniy 'TheX,ahd son Ilenfy, • strá'ah^Mrs';Carrié Ward 'of ’Upper . ^ssell{Va*dB^ S&: mail'd ' Mrs. W.' L.Jr., of Tiffin!, Mr. and' Mtp.Bloom, Mr.' and Mrs. George Gardner, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Gardner and danghter Linda Lou and Elmer Gardner and son Elmer, Jr.~‘ Gncsts in Bellevue -Mr. and Mts. George Newhard and daughters Miss Mary and Persls and son Horace and Mrs. J. J. McCabe spent Sunday with Mrs. W. L. Arnholt and daughters Elizabeth and Carolyn’ in Bellevne. Dr. Paral R. Olouser and son wanner and daughter Sara of Middletown, Pa., were also guests there.Dr. and Mrs. Clouser and children, who are spending the month at Chaska Beach, will he guests next week of Mr, and Mrs. Newhard. Danner Clouser returned to Carey with Mr. and Mrs, Newhard and Persis Newhard is with Dr. ’ and Mrs. Clouser at Ohaslka Beach.Visiting in New York and BostonMr. and Mrs. R. M. Tuttle of Spencer, la., Who visited Mrs. Tuttle’s mother Mrs. J. D. Ewing, the past week, left last Thursday for New York where théy will visit their three sons: Pvt. Thomas Tuttle,Who Is n Tnp.Tnber of an Army orchestra at Stewart Field. West Point: Pvt. Frank Tuttle, a member of the United States Coast Guard, stationed’ at Wright Island, N. Y. and Petetf Tuttle, an employee at a defense plant manufacturing synthetic rubber at Providence, R. I.Mr and Mrs. Tuttle attended an Army show at Martin’s Theatre, New York City. Pvt. Tuttle is a member of the orchestra.From New York, Mr. ‘and Mrs. Tuttle will go to Boston to visit Mrs. Tuttle’s brother an'd sister-in-ihisky/ _Bleam.and Pfc. Bleám.Picnic Dinner HeldMr. and Mrs. Eldon King and daughter Sally Lora entertained the following*1 guests at a picnic dinner and supper at their country home, noyth of Arlington, ' Sunday Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Lannin'g of Carey,Mr nmt Br.ynLRhocmaJcttr—Mrs-Harold Amstratz, Mrs. John Fisher and Mrs. Grace Wtuters. nil of Fn.q-toria, dnd -Mr. and Mrs. lR5’ohard Thomas and son Tommy of Findlay.During the afternoon several interesting letters to the family from Sgt. Harold Amstiitz, who is stationed somewhere in .India, were read.THOMAS A. KROMTO WED FINDLAY GIRLSaturday afternoon at 2 o’clock, Miss Mary Louise Blakely, dlauighter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Blakely, 620 Putnamstreet, Findlay, ‘and Thiomtgs ArthurKrom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Krom of 9. Muñóle street, Carey, will be united in marriage in a church wedding at ©t. Paul’s Evangelical Church, Findlay.Rev. L. H. Neramann, pastor of the [ perform—the-glngle-ring-.ceremony.Mrs, Gene Blakely of Findlay will attend her sister-in-law as bridesmaid, an'd Linus Krom of Carey, brother of the groom, will serve as best man. >Following the -ceremony, a reception will he held at the home of the bride’s parents and refreshments will he served.F. F. A. NOTICE______ The Carey F. F. A. will hold alaw Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Ewing. They meeting Tuesday at 8 p. m. at the expect to stop in Carey On their re- schoolhouse. Offcers will be inturn to their home.' stalled.ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCEDMr. -toct-Mrs. Chester Chapman of W. Findlay street aunoufite®-thiE> engagement and apprbachiug marriage of their daughter Miss Jeanne Yvonne of Columbus to, Paul Arden TBurson, U. S, N- Hi son , of Earl 'B.urson of Ei Findlay street. , Paul Bur^fhi'^ is stationed at Oakland.'Cálií>~ -. > I-' **rAn open ctorch' cerempny./will, be rfead on Sunday; September ,1.2, f at 4:30,. p. my,' at - Christ 'Lutheran Church. A.rece.ption ytU /bp held from 5 to' *7/o’clock for relative? and clofre friends at the 'home of the-hride’s parents. -' .’ On August *19, m s3 Jean Ramsey and Mrs. JameB D. Hayhurst will erit-értain the bride-tp-be with'a her-sonah-shoxyer 'at‘/tbe/h;i>m'a of^ Mrs'.' Hayhurst, 2 3j6 /Klng^ avénrae, Columy 'b # ' ' ‘ 'fogi2Q?. Miss, Eléánpr .Mkri;oif apd' Mlss jJean Ramsey will he hostesses 'at the home of Miss .Marion, 1864 Oak street, Columbus. *VICTORY FUND DRIVE 'TO OPEN IN SEPTEMBER (continued from page one)privilege for those of us who do n’ot duality for military service 'This Id our call to battle amd is .directed to every man, woman amd child in FEé United—States—Wir cherish the hope that when the smoke of the Third Victory Loan battle has cleared away, Wyandot county will stand out among the rest of the counties and that each of us may say with pride. “I did more than was expected of me.” Respectfully yours.WILLIAM OPP, County Chairman1.EARL BUR'SON, Carey Chairman.WOMEN OF THE MOOSE -During the regular meeting of the Women of the Moose, Tuesday evening, Moosehaven Chairman MOe Kidwell reported that pilTowca&es had been sent to Moosehaven.After the meeting, a committee, consisting .of Alm'a Gibson, Rose Remlinger, Gertrude Stiliberger arad Edna England;~¡íerved~ar1 ranch1. The time yras spent with games and socially.MAE KIDWELL, Moosehaven Chairman RAE SOPHER, Publicity Chairman.TOWNSEND CLUB The Carey Townsend club will meet, Monday evening, at the public library. There will be 20 renewed and new members received.Members should attend meetings regularly In OTder to help boost the Townsend cause. „JACOB NITRAUER, President.GET READY FOR SCHOOL IN SMART NEW CLOTHESSWEATERSTwo tone and plain colors in coats and pullovers. Many with double elbows for extra wear. 4-year to 18-year sizfes. *$1.95 to $3.95Ankle SoxBright colors in a weight that wears.29cBoy’s JacketsHe'll be proud to wear one of these wind and rain proof jackets in heavy army color poplins.$3.95Boy’s LongiesRivercrest cloth in sand and blue. Made with pleated fronts and cuff bottoms. Sizes 8 to 17.* at $2.89Safety Legion heavy whipcoyd$2.95Corduroy Teal blue and brown. Sizes 4 to 12.$2.49Heavy cheviot fabrics^in diagonal weaves and plaids. Sizes for larger boys.$3.95 upBurson Clothing Co.Finds Old'Rápér In Daymoñ Barn• ^ i t ’ AIrvin E. Copley ha's 'brought us ata Jssue ^of*'The Carey Daily Times,” Issued, on •'Wednesday morning,' September. 10, ;1890'. The iiaiper- was' found in,- .tthe. Daymon barn on E, Findlay?'street: „¿, D. 'A.» Flsbdr .'Whs editor hi. the' paper, aüdf in the center* -of me -AWst page was-printed a larga r^rposter,^ announcing- a .convention, .of -the democrats of the 8th:' mngr^rfonay distrícfcltó. b^'held thai phy in-jCaréy Delegates frprn v/yán'd'ot. county yirtere: Antrim townsbip-^Jacob , Rit-•terspach; - Crane-—John Benner, and C Béaúsay;', Cpawford—Jacbb'«4 . ». _ - '•» 'T tt rniL j-. ' .«1A 'hiifhin—/Gelxfgé' Thiél.; vada precinct—J/ Íí. Goodbreéíd tod .Tillman Balliett: Pitt,— SolomonKotterman: Richland—W. A. Bris-toll and D. R. Sterling; Rid'ge—Lafayette Weaver; Sycamore—G. W. Biles; Salem—J Z. Waibotm and Frank Shumaker; Tymoehtee—Isaac Durboraw and 'J. D. Parker; Upper Sandusky, 1st ward—Obares Vedth, Fred Berg and S. S. Bechtel; secondward— Georg¿ F. Foster. Frank Kei-'^as charged with an error on theler. Sr., and J. H. Grunditsch.—'The edition was—wéW—patronised with advertisers, among them being. Peoples Bank. D. H. Straw & Co.; Roll & GaUnoner, blacksmiths; Verona Heitz. dressmaking; Klein & Werley. dry goods; Frank Frederick, candy, cigars, tobacco; Conrad & Conrad, restaurant; Carey Post Of-< flee. J., A. Gibbs, manager an'd H. Newhard, assistant; Carey Natural Gas Co ; New Galt House, H. Fetter, proprietor; Kolbe Bibs., hoots and shoes; W. H. Snyder, lumber; Oriit-ten, Perkins & Wallace,- bandies; The Park. Hotel, W. A. Morris, pro^ prietor; G. TV. Hickle & Co., tailors; E. E. Hackenberger & Bros., meat market and steam' bologna works; Star Bakery & Grocery; West End Meat Market. W. A. Kemmerlv, proprietor; J. Z. Sutpben, merchant -tailor-4-Cosgray Ji- Ash, ^hardware; Jas. Anderson, lubricating oils; Woodworth & Son. hardware; E. S. Sliellhouse. fruits, groceries; Ickes & Fall, furniture; W. Oarothera, drugs, medicines, chemicals; W; K. Humbert, furniture; Kurlz & Sons, dry goods; Zimmerman, the photographer: MrB. H. W. Pennington millinery, corsets and fancy goods; C. Pflueger, jeweler.Under the heading, “Professional Cards.’’ appeared the following: S.D. Myers, horse shoer; J. Kesler, pa-perhanger; Buclcland & Co., bus and dray line; D. Cramer, photographer: A. Bachar, silversmith; A. E. Gibbs, grocer; J. Fetter, grocer; F. M. Payne, tinware, notions; J. D. Southward, M. D.; J. A. Royer, M. D.; A.H. Myers. M. D.: W. T. Dickerson, attorney; M. B. Smith, attorney; J. A. Chew, dentist; Charles Stief,brick and tile-maker; N. Stelnimetz boots and shoes; J. Shireman, laundry; Ed. See, paper hanging; L. A. Herndon, grocer: G. B. Kennard, harness, buggies; Fisher Bros.,grocers; T W. McClure, general insurance; Simon is Bros.’ Cornier Store; Kinsey Montague, barber.The city directory listed the following: Mayor, T. W. McClure;marshal, B. R. Brown; clerk, Henry R. Hart; treasurer, Frank Clouse; street commissioner, J. A. Hart; councilmem—Aaron Ryder, HenryHerbert, Henry Stief, Nicholas Stein-metz, Sanford Cochran and Henry Walborn.The church directory named the following ministers- English Lutheran. Rev. I. M. Irnhuof. pastor; Methodist Episcopal, Rev. T. N. Barkdull, pastor; Church of Immaculate Conception, Rev. Father Mizer, pastor; Evangelical, Rev. S.E. Rife, pastor; United Brethren, Rev. J. H. Rhodes, pastor; Church of God, Rev. Mr. Cross, pastor.Under the heading, “Secret Societies.” appeared the following fraternal orders, societies and officers: Carey Lodge, No. 420, F. & A M., Henry Graves, W. M., L. C. Hainea, Sec’y; Carey Lodge, No 407, I. O. 0 F„ W. H. Snyder, N. G., T W. McClure, Rec. Sec’y.; Justus Lodge, No. 393, K. of P., R. H, Mbrrison. C. C. H. I. Truekenmillei?K. of R. and S.; Wyandot Encampment, No. 153,I. 0. 0. F.‘, W. H. Snyder, C. P., E. G. Laughlin, Scribe; Crawford Post, No. 173, G. A. R., Dan Brown, P.O., J. W. Yohe, adjutant: OaTey Lodge, No. 804. K. of H., D. C. Mooro, Dictator, A H. Myers, reporter; Capt. Greer Camp, No 220, S. of V., William Lytle, captain.Cisire^ Wini^LaBPitchés “ÑoíMitter-!» ' ' *The ambition of every pitcher iq. hurl a no-hltter came to Dick Lab, -young ^ight handed ^mdand ace of the':-' Carey Eaglefi at Mt. Blanchard, Bupday/ aftérnóph,the' scb¿eR;being 6 to; T.' Tn ■ winráing1 his, 6th gajme of the; seas o áj agu in s t one/defeat,' Lal>c •hanidcuiredBlancharáí-with. hls> right handed' delivers.Éab, wild was . a'/li't tie-wild in the: early , iri'nings, settled ‘ down’ in /the Tatter pari' of tjte giame grid pitched -great'Mlli' - '• p ■ >1 'WhiieiLah was-'holding M¡t; Blanchard' hitlejs, his mates ‘ -pounded Muágráy'e, a ^óuthfpá’vv, ■'lor 12 ;bloVS,/Yingllifg^/who'wp^t^e id^éhsiydMar»/a# i+'li'/i-yirr> m/V .7e4*»i aakh/t 4lÁiíi« .’kH+Bticking wo s fe,v flows' and--Lab helped his own ca,use by connecting twice. 'Mt. Blanchard • scored their lone tally in the first .inning. With Dundar on third, Maisgraye struck out and Yimgling threw to PieTa-nunzia. The ball hit Dundar in the middle of Jlie back -when Pieranranzio pegged to the plate. PieranranzioplayThe Eagles scored single tallies in the second, third and 6th innings and three in the 5th to wind up the afternoon with a 6 to one victory.- Next Sunday, Gene Newell will take the mound against Salem at Swan Field. It may be-the Eagles’ last game of the season, so let’s give them a great response and all turn out. *The box score follows:Carey - ..—0 11031000Mt. Blanchard .1 0 Ó 0 0 0 0 0 0Mt Blanchard— AB H EWard, ---------- ss 4Dundar .— ..... cf 3Musgrave ----------------- P 4Fields ...... -lb 4Davenpoyt ........j—-O 3Bowman —..... 2 b 3Benjamin ..........,-lf 3Brown----rf 3Carey— ABHeck ....... ¿-------5Pieranunzio —........-—4Myers ........... 4Yingling ...........-...5Bland ..............-...3DeAmicls ...-..........3Buckingham ...........5Hayrnan ............. •—5Lab ...................5Newell ..........-.....r.2Batteries: Lab, YinglingMyers, 7th, Carey; Musgrave Davenport, Mt. Blanchard.00000000H0004102121andandCAREY BOYS’ 4-H CLUDA regular meeting of the Carey boys’ 4-H club was held Monday evening at the high school building* It was decided to hold a<* -wiener roast, Thursday evening at 8 o’clock, at Harrison Smith park. Upper Sandusky. All members are welcomed to bring their friends. -The leader,~beo Karcher^handed-out Wyandot county fair tickets, tó be sold by the~boys at $1.50 a ticket. People of the community, who wish to purchase a ticket, are asked to^ contact one of the 4-H club prem-bers. f 'The nexi méeting of the club will be held August 30 at the Carey high school. 0 , DONALD KARCHER, Reportan.ADVISORY COUNCIL. NO. S-A. Advisory Council, No. 3-A, of the Wyandot CountyFarm Bureau held their ahnual outdobr meeting at the home of Mark Karr, eagt of Crawford. Monday evening. Guests of the. council were: Advisory Councilmembers, Farm Bureau members of the Northwest district oí the County. Farm Bureau board of directors and the Farm Bureau Co-operative Assn. board of directors.A delicious basket supper was enjoyed at 7:30 o’clock by 200 Farm Bureau members and fri&nds in the yard at the Karr home. The group was entertained by a male quartet from Forest, an accordion solo by Joan Cole of Carey, vocal solo by Miss Rachel Ffee’ey of Upper SanduSky and twirling of the baton bj Joyce Putnam of Carey.Russell WhiUenberger, district organization manager of the Ohio Farm Bureau, gave a- splendid address oo.the part- the farmers or the rural groups have to play in bringing relationship between the producer and consunjer, and the part the advisory councils in Ohio will have to play when the time comes to write the peace. He also praised Serge Montoofh of Uppei Sandusky for his splendid work in organizing councils in Wyandot county.Mr. Montooth them gave the group an outline of the program he expects to earr> out in the county.The meeting closed with the group singing “Blest Be the Tie that Binds.”DOG OWNERS FINEDJack Stalter, Wyandot county dog warden has reported the following fines against owners of dogs in the county: 1 'Ray Davis of near Forest, harboring an unlicensed dog; Ada Worst, Tymochtee township, harboring unlicensed dog; Pearl Derringer, Marseilles, harboring unlicensed dog; Lester Roof of Carey, harboring unlicensed dog; Frad Orr of near Sycamore. invalid dog license. n Mr. Stalter reported that the fines and costs averaged about $18 In each oase. .CAREY TO EMPLOYSTREET COXÓnSSIONERTh/e Village of Carey is in need of a street commissioner. .Anyone interested in this position pi éase apply to Mayor B. M. Baohar or leavé-’application át the clerk’s office in the municipal Wilding. This should be done*at once.Good wages and full time work JACOB NITRAIÍER, Clerk.• I Will pay forHqree8$6,Gows$4of Size and Condit^inSmall Stock Removed FreeCALL ; /í' Viñcént ;Krúpp ;t * - . * fY'UOY/ 7-V ii1 <• ,*; 'p’’ VjGartiy: 5-322'r .Revené Charjres , y, Licensee for Darling & Co. ,' /*■ y.'t , fWants»n;iiHntti»!iiiii»!i»»wtmit«ttna:mt.,'• jf ' i : f/.Kp. fi, A/; t'pilíoíws,/$2>6fl'Sr/ ^oí^fhrts’^;. ^achí.y^t &fá'}tyamé;éK'r•// >' ’i ' ' ' <' ¡J~' FOR SALE—^Six puré bred Chester ,white. gilts,' double immuned and due to Tarro w soon. ‘Good ones. F. A. Fourier, Harpster, Ohio.FOR RENT—4-room flat corner Brown avenue and VanCa street T. D. Cole, 121 S, Lake street.Top PricesJPaid fot’ Late Model Used Gars McDaniel Motor SalesWANTED TO RENT—Well improved, farm of 140 to 150 acres, grain rent. Have iuH’ line of equipment, including combine. Can* give references. Write Box 37 V, Oairey Times.WANTED TO BUY—Hay and straw. Highest cash .prices paid. Eugené Hendricks, phone 50, Carey, or-phoney 73, Vanfue.LOST^—Bair-of—white—metal- rim spectacles in dark-red case. Name of Dr. Kenaga of Toledo Inside case. Finder please return to this office and receive reward.JOHN RISNERReal Eatate BrokerFarms, Homes and Business Properties - for Sale.If you have want to dispose of, list it with me for quick sale.tRy OUR LINE of products’and convince yourself that _ you save money and’get quality. Our customers are people that want the best for their money. Give us a chance to convince you that our products are what we say they are. E. T. Lab, 426 W. North Street, Oairey, Ohio. Phone R-285.FOR RENT — Downstairs apartment. . OalT after 6 o’clock. Mrs. Porter Hendricks. 348 E. South St.HOUSE FOR SALE — 4 miles southwest of Carey. C. B. Colo, route 2, Carey. •WANTED—An essential war industry needs help to keep ’em rolling. Yard brakeman. Apply to W. E. Kamm, trainmaeter. Big Foui Depot, Bellefontaine. Ohio, or D. T. Brennan, general yardimaster in yards. Applications from those employed in war industries will not be considered. •FOR SALE—Combination cook stove at 344 E. South street.FOR SALE—8-piece dining room suite and a dressing table. Mrs. Porter Hendricks, 348 E. South St.FOR SALE — Player piano, in good condition. Rolls included. Phone X-351 or call ait 131 Brayton, street.FOR SALE—White Rook pullets, 16 weeks old; also 'White Rock roosters, alive or dresBea. Mrs W. A. Stiliberger, 3 miles south of Carey. ’Carey MarketsCorrected this (Thursday) morning by local dealers jWheat ..........: ./$ 1.66Corn .................... $1.00Oats ....................72Soy beans ...—........... $1.66Butter fat —..... 50Eggs 3 7Quick Service for - Dead Stock “Hogs, Sheep, Calves, Colts , Removed Promptly.CallUPPER SANDUSKY FERTILIZER t^cw.' Tel. 122 TeIRH&E. G. Buchsieb, Inc.^ ^

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Beam 105141

Colorado High School Basketball - Boulder fells Monarch February 7, 2020: Boulder, CO 80302. Boulder Panthers (Boulder, CO) backers were in high spirits Friday as they witnessed their basketball squad thwart the visiting Monarch Coyotes (Louisville, CO), 70-51 in a league contest. Aug 25, 2015 Trametinib is a novel oral MEK inhibitor with proven clinical activity in BRAF(V600)-mutant metastatic melanoma alone and in combination with dabrafenib.11,14,15 The most common adverse effects associated with trametinib therapy are rash. Terry lee bleam and bette ann bleam 52 pennsylvania turnpike commission 51 pennsylvania turnpike commission 51 for limited access legal right-of-way line pennsylvania turnpike commission james b. Wellington and 56 57 for limited access legal right-of-way line john m. Phillips ii and 60 s a l fo r d t o w n s h ip m o n tg o m e r y c o u n ty w.

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