Copy'em Paste 2.5.1

  1. Copy'em Paste 2.5.1 Pdf
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Room arranger Copy'em Paste is a powerful clipboard manager for turbocharging your daily workflow. It records your clipboard history of copied text, images, links, and screenshots, etc., and lets you recall/paste them anytime, right at your fingertips. Paste Mac Torrents. Copy’em Paste 在 Mac App Store上售价人民币98元 Copy ’em Paste for Mac 2.5.1 介绍. Copy 'em Paste 是一个多功能的menulet,用于加快您的日常复制和粘贴工作流。它还记得复制的文本、图片、链接、截图、文件等,让你回忆并将它们粘贴到你的指尖。.

Copy’em Paste 简介:

Copy’em Paste for Mac是一个功能强大的剪贴板管理器,用于涡轮增压您的日常工作流程。它记录复制文本,图像,链接和截图等的剪贴板历史记录,并允许您随时调用/粘贴它们,就在您的指尖。使用它可以批量复制和粘贴File Juicer项目(从而最大限度地减少应用之间的切换),捕捉截图并收A Better Finder Attributes集研究数据,永久存储喜爱的剪报,通过键盘快捷方式粘贴频繁片段,去除文本格式或转换文本,将剪辑整理到不同列表中,并标注它们,按关键字/类型查找它们,预览和编辑它们的文本等等。全部都以速度和可靠性完成。这是一个宝贵的节省时间,既丰富的功能A Better Finder Attributes和易于使用!

  • 自动记住通过常规复制/剪切命令复制的东西
  • 可以存储无限数量的剪报
  • 接受专有格式的文本,图像,链接,HTML,代码,PDF,文件和剪报
  • 通过菜单栏或可自定义的Command-Shift-V即时访问剪报
  • 可以通过拖放操作将剪辑粘贴到目标应用程序中
  • 可以配置为粘贴到VNC,NoMachine,Parallels等
  • 批量粘贴多个片段
  • 可以使用本地快捷方式粘贴剪辑(’0’到’9’和’a’到’z’)
  • 可以粘贴无限数量的全局快捷方式剪报
  • 纯文本模式选项,以纯文本格式粘贴任何富文本
  • 按住Option键可在纯文本或多文本文本之间切换(即暂时与纯文本模式相反)
  • 文本转换选项(大写,换行,剥离空白,添加前缀/后缀等)
  • 可以使用全局快捷键启用/禁用文本转换
  • 按空格或左箭头键可在大型可调整大小的弹出式窗口中预览剪报
  • 无限数量的列表让你组织你喜欢的剪辑
  • 新到剪报自动放入当前加星标列表中的自动星模式
  • 通过应用程序本地快捷方式(如Command-1,Command-2等)在列表之间快速切换
  • 使用滑动或Command- [和Command-]快捷键在列表之间向后和向前导航
  • 通过拖放对剪报进行排序,创建日期,最近使用的日期和粘贴频率等。
  • 通过拖放重新排列加星标列表中的剪辑
  • 通过搜索,内容类型筛选和应用程序名称筛选查找剪报
  • 快速搜索,使用搜索即用型,以及自动对焦和自动清除搜索栏的选项
  • 可以编辑文本剪报
  • 可以为剪辑分配名称或编辑它们
  • 在当前鼠标位置旁边打开剪报窗口(为了最大限度地减少鼠标移动)
  • 每次粘贴操作后都可以选择打开窗口;默认情况下,该窗口在使用后自动关闭
  • 截图截图(全屏,窗口,选定区域等)作为剪报
  • 黑名单应用程序,从它们剪报将不会被保存
  • 停止(或恢复)收集新的剪报
  • 可以删除选定的剪报,选定的集合或整个列表
  • 改变主题,选择以原始颜色或灰度显示文本剪报
  • 根据OS X主题设置自动切换主题
  • 复制和/或粘贴时可选择播放声音

Copy’em Paste is a powerful clipboard manager for turbocharging your daily workflow. It records your clipboard history of copied text, images, links, and screenshots, etc., and lets you recall/paste them anytime, right at your fingertips. Use it to copy and paste items in batches (so minimizing switching between apps), capture screenshots and collect research data, store favorite clippings permanently, paste frequent snippets via keyboard shortcuts, strip text formats or transform text, organize clippings into different lists, sort and label them, look them up by keywords/types, preview and edit their text, and so on. Chopper 2 1.2 engine. All done with speed and reliability. It is a valuable time-saver that is both rich in features and easy to use!

Copy’em Paste KEY FEATURES
  • Automatically remembers the things copied by regular copy/cut commands
  • Can store unlimited number of clippings
  • Accepts text, images, links, HTML, code, PDFs, files, and clippings of proprietary formats
  • Instant access to clippings via menubar or customizable Command-Shift-V
  • Can paste clippings via drag-and-drop into target applications
  • Can be configured to paste into VNC, NoMachine, Parallels, etc.
  • Batch pasting of multiple snippets
  • Can paste clippings with local shortcuts (‘0’ to ‘9’ and ‘a’ to ‘z’)
  • Can paste clippings with unlimited number of global shortcuts
  • Plain-text mode option to paste any rich text as plain text
  • Hold Option key to switch between pasting text as plain text or rich text (i.e., temporarily do the opposite of plain-text mode)
  • Text transformation options (capitalization, line-unwrapping, stripping whitespace, adding prefixes/suffixes, etc.)
  • Can enable/disable text transformations with global shortcuts
  • Press Space or Left-Arrow key to preview clippings in a large, resizable popover window
  • Unlimited number of lists for you to organize your favorite clippings
  • Auto-star mode where newly arrived clippings are automatically put into the current starred list
  • Fast switching between lists via app-local shortcuts (such as Command-1, Command-2, etc.)
  • Use swiping or Command-[ and Command-] shortcuts to navigate backward and forward between lists
  • Sort clippings by drag-and-drop, creation dates, most-recently-used dates, and paste frequency, etc.
  • Rearrange clippings in starred lists via drag-and-drop
  • Find clippings by search, content-type filtering, and application-name filtering
  • Fast searching, with search-as-you-type, and options to auto-focus and auto-clear the search field
  • Can edit text clippings
  • Can assign names to clippings or edit them
  • Open clippings window next to current mouse location (in order to minimize mouse movement)
  • Option to keep the window open after each paste operation; by default, the window automatically closes after use
  • Capture screenshots (full screen, windows, selected areas, etc.) as clippings
  • Blacklist applications, so clippings from them won’t be saved
  • Stop (or resume) collecting new clippings
  • Can delete selected clippings, selected sets, or entire lists
  • Change the theme, with option to show text clippings in original colors or grayscale
  • Automatically switch theme according to the OS X theme setting
  • Option to play sounds when copying and/or pasting


Copy'em Paste 2.5.1 Pdf

2.5.1 - TNT英文2018-03-176.7 MB
2.4.2 - TNT英文2018-03-176.3 MB