New IRC Live Chat Client 1.1

The Vault IRC Channel is an Internet Relay Chat channel that allows The Vault Dwellers to communicate with each other via live chat through the Internet. It is registered as #falloutwiki on freenode. In the channel, you can talk about the wiki, the Fallout games, or about anything else that comes to your mind (within reasonable limits). However, if a reasonable amount of users want a subject dropped, it is better to comply than not, especially if it is a group of admins. Furthermore, religion and politics need only one person to complain before the subject requires a change.

New IRC Live Chat Client connects you to IRC, a way of communicating in real-time with people from all over the world. It consists of various separate networks (or “nets”) of IRC servers, machines that allow users to connect to IRC. Mibbit web-based chat client. Kiwi IRC Open Source web-based chat client that works on mobile too. The Lounge is a self-hosted web IRC client. IRCCloud is a great IRC app that is compatible with Android phones, iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. Requires iOS 8 or later. It has both a. New IRC Live Chat Client. Before you go. Leave your email so that you can share your thoughts about this app with the entire MacUpdate community! New Chat & IRC software ManyCam v.7.0.6 ManyCam, free webcam software & video switcher that allows you to enhance live streams and video chat experiences. Stream from your desktop or iOS/Android devices to streaming platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitch) or connect it to video chat apps.

Good IRC Clients? I use IRC almost everyday, but can't seem to find a suitable client. I want an IRC client that can: Stay open when the computer is asleep. Has a nice, clean, minimal UI. I know this has been asked before, but I want to know if anyone here knows what client I'm looking for. I have my new ssd shipped. Dec 31, 2017  New IRC Live Chat Client connects you to IRC, a way of communicating in real-time with people from all over the world.It consists of various separate networks (or “nets”) of IRC servers, machines that allow users to connect to IRC. On the right hand side of the chat room, right-click the person's name that you want to send the private message to, then click 'Query'. This will open up a new window inside the chat client where your conversation cannot be read by anyone in the main chat room.

  • 1Accessing the channel
  • 2Channel rules

Accessing the channel

If you have an IRC client;

  • Start your IRC client
  • Connect to on port 6667 and join the channel #falloutwiki

If you do not have an IRC client;

New IRC Live Chat Client 1.1

Be sure you are joining the #falloutwiki channel

Channel rules

As with everything in Life, some regulations are needed.Our host is the Freenode IRC-Network, so above all, their Policies apply,which can (and should, at least roughly) be read about here:

Free Irc Clients

However, there are also some additional guidelines and rules related to this specific channel.

Basic rules

  1. Personal attacks are not permitted.
  2. Harassment and/or sexual harassment is not permitted.
  3. Extreme Profanity or cursing is not permitted.
  4. Violation of personal privacy is not permitted. This includes revealing personal information about users (e.g. real name, location, age, gender, etc) and violating confidentiality on particular issues (such as issues asked to be kept confidential by other users or administrators).
  5. Linking to external sources, such as websites, which violate the aforementioned rules, is not permitted. Notably, publicly linking to websites such as Facebook or MySpace that violate personal privacy, is not permitted without prior consent from the user whose privacy might be violated.
  6. Trolling or general irritation or disruption of other users is not permitted. This often includes, but is not limited to; excessive usage of capital letters, punctuation marks, deliberate distortions of the English language (such as '1337 speak'), and excessive usage of non-English languages.
  7. Don't be a dick. As a guideline, don't go out of your way to irritate others. ( And especially do NOT try to test the OPs patience and limits ) Vicious abuse is grounds for sanctions.
  8. No whining. Users who ask for something from another IRC user and are refused it should not stoop to complaining. It is acceptable to be persistent, but in a mature manner.
  9. Real-world politics and/or religion may only be discussed with unanimous consent. If someone doesn't want to talk about them, drop the subject.
  10. Official language: English. We don't care if it's British or American, as long as it's not 'L33t' or 'TXT.' Abbreviations are fine, but keep it within reason.
  11. No spamming. The meaning should be obvious. Don't say the same thing six times because no one is responding to you. Don't keep yammering on about a subject nobody cares about.
  12. Please keep only 1 ( in words: One ) connection to the channel alive. One is sufficient enough to read, write and mingle with the other guests.


The nickname guideline is a loosely enforced rule.Newer users are encouraged to use their existing Vault username until their activity and knowledge of the channel allows them to make a custom nickname.However, impersonation of any user will be met with consequences from the channel staff, and may lead to a ban if such activity persists.Also, offensive nicknames are not allowed.


While you can say as many lines of text in a row as you want, any deliberate flooding of five lines or more without reason, or any spamming of the same message five times or more, will result in being kicked from the channel.

In addition, users who 'join flood' (join, leave, and then re-join the channel repeatedly, be it deliberately or out of technical reasons) will be banned from the channel for a period of time determined by the op issuing the ban.

New Irc Live Chat Client 1.1 0


The usage of capital letters and caps lock is frowned upon. Using capital letters to write a word or a whole entry is typically perceived as shouting.

Using excessive capital letters once will often result in a courtesy warning by an operator, and persistent usage of capital letters may lead to a kick or ban,depending on severity.

Topics of discussion

The channel is meant for help and discussion on Fallout Wiki and discussion about the Fallout series, though respectful off-topic discussions are allowed.


Any user wishing to bring a bot into the channel should seek approval from a channel administrator. Unauthorized or malicious bots are prohibited and are to be immediately kicked/parted from the channel.


Operators have a wide discretion relating to the issuing of warnings and bans which infringe on this rule.

The content of messages will greatly impact on the severity of the punishment.In certain particular cases, exceptions may be permitted, although these are infrequent.

Typically, the following hierarchy will apply to infringements on the above regulations(with the exception of specifically implied consequences).

  • First offense: Warning
  • Second offense: Kick
  • Third offense: One day ban

Further offenses will result in an extended ban, at the discretion of the op administering the ban.

Anymp4 iphone data recovery 7.6.16. Operators use their discretion when applying these rules, and understanding of the rules depends on the operators perception of the rules.Particular exceptions may be granted by specific operator approval.These rules and regulations, however, should be followed strictly by users.

Infringement of these rules and regulations will lead to punishment by an operator.When you enter the IRC channel, you are expected to have prior knowledge of all these rules.

Channel ops

Operators, or ops, are the IRC equivalent of administrators. Some of them are also Fallout Wiki admins, but it's not a universal rule. In most IRC clients, they are denoted by the @ symbol (although they usually assume op status only if there is a need to use their operator rights).

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Note: Do not edit this page unless you are a channel op in #archlinux. You are welcome to use the discussion page.

To use Internet Relay Chat (IRC), you need an IRC client. The installation live environment includes the Irssi client.

You are expected to familiarize yourself with our Code of conduct and Code of conduct#IRC before joining any of the official channels. For a list of commonly used abbreviations, see Arch terminology and IRC Jargon.

  • 1Main channels
  • 2Other channels

Main channels

  • Due to abuse various gateways and web clients may be banned at times. If you experience trouble use a 'proper' IRC client or ask one of the operators for a ban exemption (+e).
  • Channel statistics are logged for #archlinux-offtopic[dead link 2020-02-28]. Speak to jp/alyptik if you would like to opt-out permanently.

This section is about #archlinux, the main Arch Linux support IRC channel, and #archlinux-offtopic, the main Arch Linux social channel, both available on the Freenode network.

The central topic for #archlinux is support and general discussion about Arch Linux.


In order to reduce spam #archlinux and #archlinux-offtopic have the channel mode set to +r and +q $~a. This means you have to be identified via NickServ to be able to join these channels and send messages, respectively. If you are not registered and identified, you will be forwarded to #archlinux-unregistered.

To register with NickServ, follow the freenode FAQ, as well as NickServ help when connected to

  • If /query happens to not work in your client you can try using either /quote NickServ <command> or /msg NickServ <command>.
  • Some IRC clients have a race-condition where they try to autojoin channels before you have been identified with NickServ, and to solve it you need to enable SASL. Either look up your IRC client's documentation or look at the freenode SASL page to find instructions for how to enable it.
  • You can get a list of people who can help you by typing /msg ChanServ ACCESS #archlinux LIST, or join #freenode and ask there.

Channel operators

Arch operators are ops in both #archlinux and #archlinux-offtopic. See the list below, or run /msg phrik listops on freenode.

If you for some reason need the help of an op, do not be shy to /query or /msg us. Here is the list of ops as of 18 Dec 2019:

  • alad
  • amcrae
  • falconindy
  • gehidore / man
  • grawity
  • heftig
  • jelle
  • MrElendig / Mion
  • Namarrgon
  • tigrmesh / tigr
  • wonder / ioni

Other channels

The size of our community led to the creation of multiple IRC channels. Live live. To get a list of all channels on that contain archlinux in their name, use the command /query alis list *archlinux*.

  • #archlinux-aur — AUR general discussion;
  • #archlinux-aurweb — aurweb development discussion;
  • #archlinux-bugs — Bug-centric discussion;
  • #archlinux-classroom — A project that develops and hosts classes for the Arch Linux community;
  • #archlinux-devops — Arch Linux internal infrastructure and devops discussions;
  • #archlinux-multilib — Arch Linux Multilib Project discussion and packaging;
  • #archlinux-newbie — A space to learn, try new things, and ask for help without fear of ridicule;
  • #archlinux-pacman — Pacman development and discussion;
  • #archlinux-projects — Projects development and discussion (mkinitcpio, abs, dbscripts, devtools…);
  • #archlinux-reproducible — Discussion channel for achieving reproducible builds;
  • #archlinux-security — Discussion of security issues within Arch packages;
  • #archlinux-testing — Discussion channel regarding the testing repositories;
  • #archlinux-wiki — Discussion about ArchWiki, its articles and the Arch Linux Forums;
  • #archlinux-women — Discussing gender and equality, mostly in English;
  • #archlinux-proaudio — Discussion of Arch Linux Pro Audio. Users also in the unofficial #archaudio.

International IRC channels

International discussions are available at the following channels, also located at the IRC network, unless stated otherwise.

  • #archlinux-br — Brazilian;
  • #archlinux-cn — Chinese; also on;
  • — Czech;
  • — Danish;
  • — Finnish;
  • #archlinux-fr — French;
  • — German;
  • #archlinux-greece — Greek;
  • — Hungarian;
  • #archlinux-it — Italian; also on;
  • #archlinux-nordics — the nordics: Danish, Finnish, Norwegian and Swedish;
  • — Polish;
  • #archlinux-pt — Portuguese;
  • — Romanian;
  • #archlinux-ru — Russian; also on;
  • #archlinux-rs — Serbian;
  • #archlinux-es — Spanish;
  • — Swedish;
  • #archlinux-tr — Turkish;
  • #archlinux-ve — Venezuela;
  • #archlinuxvn — Vietnamese, Tiếng Việt.
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