Smaller 1.4

  1. Small 1.5 Volt Battery
  2. What Is Smaller 1/4 Or 3/8
  3. What's Smaller 1/4 Or 3/8

Dividing by a larger number produces a smaller number. Answer2: 1/4 is the same as 5/20 (multiply top and bottom by 5) 1/5 is the same as 4/20 (multiply top and bottom by 4) Now the denominators (bottom number of a fraction) are the same so the size of the numerator (top number of a fraction) determines the size of the fraction. Feb 07, 2013 Cut a pie into 4 pieces and each piece is 1/4 of the pie. Which is the smaller piece of pie? As to your second question: what is half of 1/4? From the pie that was cut into 4 pieces, cut each of those pieces in half. How many do you have? 8 pieces so now each piece is 1/8 of the pie. Mathematically, 1/2 of 1/4 is 1/2 times 1/4 = 1/8.

How to compare two fractions?

1. Fractions that have different signs:

  • Any positive fraction is larger than any negative fraction:
  • ie: 4/25 > - 19/2

2. A proper and an improper fraction:

Small 1.5 Volt Battery

  • Any positive improper fraction is larger than any positive proper fraction:
  • ie: 44/25 > 1 > 19/200
  • Any negative improper fraction is smaller than any negative proper fraction:
  • ie: - 44/25 < -1 < - 19/200

3. Fractions that have both like numerators and denominators:

  • The fractions are equal:
  • ie: 89/50 = 89/50
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4. Fractions that have unlike (different) numerators but like (equal) denominators.

  • Positive fractions: compare the numerators, the larger fraction is the one with the larger numerator:
  • ie: 24/25 > 19/25
  • Negative fractions: compare the numerators, the larger fraction is the one with the smaller numerator:
  • ie: - 19/25 < - 17/25

5. Fractions that have unlike (different) denominators but like (equal) numerators.

  • Positive fractions: compare the denominators, the larger fraction is the one with the smaller denominator:
  • ie: 24/25 > 24/26
  • Negative fractions: compare the denominators, the larger fraction is the one with the larger denominator:
  • ie: - 17/25 < - 17/29

What Is Smaller 1/4 Or 3/8

6. Fractions that have different denominators and numerators (unlike denominators and numerators).

  • To compare them, fractions should be built up to the same denominator (or if it's easier, to the same numerator).

Subject: Why is 1/4 bigger than 1/5

Name: Sherry
Who is asking: Student
Level: Elementary

I have to do a math project for my teacher education class. The question that I am working on is why is 1/4 bigger than 1/5.

Hi Sherry,

I have replies for you from three people.
First from Paul.

Dividing by a larger number produces a smaller number.

Endnote x9.1.1. But went bad after a few hours. Doing the same thing in citation or bibliography works.when i restored the old file by time machine backup everything was fine for a while. Chicago footnote which runned in the past is not working as well.What I see: template is full empty – there were templates before – I go to dropdown menu and click on 'book' – but it is not adding anything to the list.

What's Smaller 1/4 Or 3/8

1/4 is the same as 5/20 (multiply top and bottom by 5)1/5 is the same as 4/20 (multiply top and bottom by 4)Now the denominators (bottom number of a fraction) are the same so the sizeof the numerator (top number of a fraction) determines the size of thefraction.

Draw a circle and divide it into 4 equal parts by drawing 2 lines throughthe centre that intersect at 90 degress. Each slice of the circle is 1/4of the circle. If you divide the same circle into five equal slices thenthe slices will be smaller. Hence 1/5 of the circle is smaller than 1/4 ofthe circle.

And then from Claude.

My friend's 4 year old son is starting to understand fractionsalso. Recently he was asked what he gets when cutting a pizza in twoand said 'halves'. Then he was asked what he gets when cuttinghalves in two and said 'quarters'. Then he was asked what he gets when cutting quarters in two and said 'eights'. Then he was asked what he gets when cutting eights in two and said 'I don't know',then he tought about it for a while and said 'sixteenths'.


Then he was asked what he gets when putting four quarters togetherand said 'one'. Then he was asked what he gets when puttingeight eights together and said 'I don't know', then he tought about it for a while and said 'one'.

Of course, the ordering of fourths and fifths would have to come a bit later,but my guess is that children can understand elementary facts aboutfractions early enough if you respect their own pace.

Finally from Penny.

I would have the children decide themselves by describing a situation such as:
Paul and Mary's families each had a regular size pizza for dinner. There are 4 people in Paul's family so he got 1/4 of a pizza. There are 5 people in Mary's family so Mary got 1/5 of a pizza. Who got the larger piece? Why?
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