Tuner 3.0


  1. Banks Tuner 3.0 Ecodiesel
  2. Atsc 3.0 Tuner Card
  3. 3.0 Tuner
  4. Atsc 3.0 Tuner Box
  5. Pc Tuner 3.0 Download
  6. Atsc 3.0 Tuner Box
  7. Atsc 3.0 Tuner Box
  8. Ap Tuner 3.08 Registration Code

HP Tuners, the home of VCM Suite and the MPVI since 2003. Now enhancing these to new heights with a new feature rich VCM Editor and VCM Scanner, coupled together with the latest generation MPVI2, this is only tuning and diagnostic solution you’ll ever need for your modern OBDII vehicle.

HP Tuners, the home of VCM Suite and the MPVI since 2003. Now enhancing these to new heights with a new feature rich VCM Editor and VCM Scanner, coupled together with the latest generation MPVI2, this is only tuning and diagnostic solution you’ll ever need for your modern OBDII vehicle. Such tuners come in numerous formats, anything from a simple plug in module that mounts under the hood, to programmers that plug into the OBDII port under the dash featuring a touch screen monitor with back up camera capabilities that can nearly drive your truck for you. Jul 18, 2019 On the upside, as ATSC 3.0 comes into use, the current DTV/HDTV broadcast system (ATSC 1.0) will continue to be used for transmissions for a period of time, so current TV (s) will not become obsolete for a while, you just won't be able to access the advanced features offered by ATSC 3.0. Feb 26, 2018  Today we take a look at the new ATSC 3.0 OTA TV standard. With 4K OTA TV, better reception, and more options 3.0 OTA TV is almost here.

The tuners tab lists all tuners currently recognized and available for use by the sdrtrunkapplication. You can create one or more tuner configurations for each tuner and identifyone of those configurations as the default configuration for the tuner. The applicationattempts to reconfigure your tuner to the same settings used the last time that you ran thesoftware.

Figure 1: Tuners View

The tuners view contains three sections with all available tuners listed in the top section, tunerconfigurations listed in the lower-left panel and a tuner configuration editor panel in thelower-right panel.

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Select a tuner row in the top table to view available tuner configurations in the lower-left.

Select a tuner configuration in the lower-left table to view the tuner configuration editor panelin the lower right.

Banks Tuner 3.0 Ecodiesel

Supported Tuners

The following tuners are currently supported by the SDRTrunk application. Additional tuner support willbe added in the future.

  • Funcube Dongle Pro (1.0)
  • Funcube Dongle Pro Plus (2.0)

Tuner Management

The application automatically manages all tuners as a pooled set of resources. As you enable channelsfor decoding, sdrtrunk polls each tuner to see if it can support the requested channel frequency, andthen assigns the channel to the tuner. If no tuners can support the channel, then the channel willnot start and you will receive a popup message indicating that no tuners are available.

Each tuner can source one or more channel frequencies so long as the set of channel frequencies fitwithin the current center tuned frequency and bandwidth (sample rate) of the tuner. As additionalchannels are sourced by the tuner, the tuner controller will automatically adjust the center frequencyto provide a best-fit of all sourced channels, while ensuring that no channels overlap anyDC-spike that may be present in the center of the spectrum for some types of tuners.

Tuners Table

All available tuners are detailed in the table at the top of the tuners view. The following columnsare included in the table:

Atsc 3.0 Tuner Card


Description of the tuner model


Identifier or serial number of the tuner

Sample Rate

Current sample rate setting for the tuner


Current center tuned frequency of the tuner. Note: the sdrtrunk application automatically adjuststhe tuner's center tuned frequency according to the channels that are being sourced from the tuner. Youcan adjust this frequency and each of the decoding channels will adjust their offset to compensate.
However, it's recommended to let the application manage this setting for you.


Number of decoding channels currently being sourced by the tuner.


Provides a quick-link for showing the tuner in the primary spectral display. Click the Mainlink in the row to show that tuner in the primary spectral display.


Provides a quick-link to launch a new spectral display window for the tuner. Click the Newlink in the row to create a new spectral display window for the tuner.

Note: you can launch multiple windows for each tuner or combination of tuners. However, eachwindow adds to the overall processing workload for the computer and using too many spectraldisplay windows may impair application performance.

3.0 Tuner

Tuner Configuration Table

Tuner 3.0

The tuner configuration table lists all tuner configurations for the currently selected tuner. Thissection includes a descriptive name for the tuner and a Frequency control for adjusting thecenter tuned frequency for the currently selected tuner. The following columns are included inthe tuner configuration table:

Tuner Type

Atsc 3.0 Tuner Box

Indicates the type of tuner for the configuration.


Pc Tuner 3.0 Download

Name of the tuner configuration


Only one of the tuner configurations listed will contain an asterisk (*) indicating that theconfiguration is the currently assigned configuration for the selected tuner.

The following buttons allow you to manage your tuner configurations for the currently selectedtuner:

New Button

Click to create a new tuner configuration for the selected tuner.

Delete Button

Atsc 3.0 Tuner Box

Click to delete the currently selected tuner configuration. If you attempt to delete atuner configuration that is assigned to the currently selected tuner, a popup errormessage will appear indicating that you have to assign another tuner configuration tothe tuner before you can delete the currently selected tuner configuration.

Assign Button

Assigns the currently selected tuner configuration as the default configuration for thecurrently selected tuner. The default configuration is used to configure the tunereach time you start the application.

Tuner Configuration Editor

Atsc 3.0 Tuner Box

Selecting a tuner configuration in the tuner configuration table will load thecorresponding editor for the tuner configuration and allow you to change settingsfor the tuner. See each specific tuner type listed above in the Supported Tunerssection for a listing of available settings.

Ap Tuner 3.08 Registration Code

Note: any changes made to the default tuner configuration will be automaticallyapplied to the currently selected tuner.